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Vivamus sed metus pulvinar, posuere enim sed, vestibulum mauris. Praesent sit amet nunc arcu. Duis tempor lacus eu dolor interdum ornare. Donec eu leo vel ipsum tincidunt pretium et et arcu. Phasellus elit sem, tempor vitae suscipit ac, dignissim sed nibh. Fusce eget velit dignissim, commodo erat eu, vulputate mi. Curabitur venenatis, dui lacinia feugiat iaculis, nulla lorem interdum arcu, et elementum augue tortor vel leo. Nunc laoreet rutrum nulla, eu pulvinar eros venenatis et. Fusce placerat nec orci vitae condimentum. Mauris bibendum ac purus egestas volutpat. Aliquam eu libero augue. Cras pretium leo orci, nec aliquet orci molestie vitae. Maecenas auctor porttitor faucibus. Cras venenatis, lorem fermentum ullamcorper elementum, eros odio sollicitudin odio, a hendrerit leo odio nec erat.

Integer a justo euismod, hendrerit dui id, hendrerit elit. Ut sed arcu pharetra, elementum erat et, sodales lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur pretium, lectus ut hendrerit facilisis, arcu urna consequat dolor, in dictum augue tellus luctus purus. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum eu adipiscing urna, in molestie mauris. Nunc ac diam sit amet lacus tincidunt vehicula. Donec ullamcorper risus risus. Maecenas tempus ornare eros, ut placerat mi faucibus in.

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In eu mattis nunc, sit amet imperdiet nulla. Phasellus adipiscing urna a ligula venenatis, id venenatis libero dictum. Ut rutrum felis quis quam posuere, ac blandit lacus scelerisque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam tincidunt adipiscing aliquam. Cras eleifend felis in leo ullamcorper ultricies. Etiam sed ullamcorper magna, quis semper purus. Nam eleifend, odio vitae malesuada placerat, metus metus sagittis mi, id gravida neque quam semper tellus. Integer ut sapien vel arcu sollicitudin suscipit ut blandit felis. Proin eleifend lacus commodo dui consequat, et sodales lectus iaculis.

Duis posuere, sapien tristique pellentesque viverra, urna enim pharetra tellus, nec fermentum metus odio sit amet turpis. Suspendisse enim justo, vulputate sed libero sit amet, volutpat ultrices lectus. Cras vitae risus in est dictum vestibulum. Maecenas consectetur, leo in vehicula porttitor, velit turpis hendrerit lorem, sit amet blandit sem leo ut felis. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce dictum facilisis imperdiet.

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Maecenas non metus quis risus iaculis lobortis. Phasellus ac urna lacinia nunc scelerisque ultrices vitae vel magna. Vestibulum at nisl et tortor cursus rhoncus. Etiam euismod vel eros eget placerat. Praesent et iaculis tortor, vel aliquam turpis. Donec varius mattis mauris, id mollis nisi accumsan nec. Fusce eget gravida orci.

Nam sed nisl nec erat tincidunt fringilla at viverra lacus. Maecenas pulvinar elit in scelerisque sodales. Fusce sed nibh venenatis, pharetra felis dignissim, adipiscing dolor. Donec ullamcorper dapibus enim, nec aliquet eros imperdiet sed. Vivamus a nisl varius, interdum elit eget, ornare mi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse vel faucibus nisi. Suspendisse et porta lacus.

Quisque commodo nec quam ac rhoncus. Integer sit amet quam iaculis, tempor urna lacinia, pharetra ipsum. Etiam volutpat dapibus purus, id fringilla felis faucibus et. Donec vitae pharetra lectus. Sed mattis eu eros ornare dictum. Nulla vel ipsum ut est lobortis pellentesque. Fusce tincidunt dapibus tellus id laoreet. Donec vehicula dignissim justo vel rutrum. Nam ut tristique dolor. Praesent consectetur sed nibh sit amet fringilla. Sed rhoncus nunc ut magna suscipit tincidunt.

This Post Has 0 Comments
  1. How diverse kilograms can you be beaten onus per month without refusing consequences?

    Protected amount of pressure dying per month, for the benefit of women, after men?

    Optimal on the side of men and women is considered to be a inchmeal impact denial of 5-10% of the indigenous in the interest 3-6 months, followed not later than long-term retention of body weight. As follows, notwithstanding a man with an endorse pressure of 110 kg, the aim load erosion benefit of 3-6 months is 5.5-11 kg. Accordingly, for 1 month – the amount of onus disadvantage will-power be around 1-3.5 kg. With a view a woman with a starting substance of 90 kg, the objective manipulate defeat in behalf of 1 month force be 0.8-3 kg.

    Are there age differences?

    Currently, there are no unequivocal approaches to weight loss in behalf of patients of distinct age groups. But excess weight in children is a take facer that requires an idiosyncratic solicit, which requires a demanded consultation of a pediatrician, as highly as, if important, a pediatric endocrinologist and nutritionist.

    What if the millstone is reduced faster than this indicator? What are the risks here?

    First, it is advantage noting that rapid burden impairment is terribly rarely crap in the yearn term. If you curtail bias sooner than 10 kg per month, this longing be a strong suffering suited for the body. In reform, the majority hand down direct all its efforts to bring back the expected corps weight. In real medical rehearsal, it is not uncommon for people who use extreme calorie reduction diets and heavily slenderize body force in a terse time of heyday, after stopping this kind of nutrition, quick regain their force with an dissipation of 5 kilograms or more.

    Subject to a low-calorie nutriment, Russian and unrelated medical communities do not urge reducing the calorie intake to less than 1200 kcal/day repayment for women and less than 1500 kcal/day suited for men.

    Also, quick strain depletion can accomplish discernible disputatious constitution consequences: psycho-emotional disorders, the appearance of wrinkles on the skin, muscle weakness, dehydration, metabolic disorders needed to a inadequacy of noteworthy vitamins and minerals, menstrual irregularities in women.

    What to do if the power does not befall off? What indicators to check to take that it’s not a diet?

    On seriously, undeterred by all the efforts – the power does not elapse away. In such situations, problems with the endocrine glands can be expected: the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, endocrine glands. To assess the functioning of the thyroid occupation, the central analysis is the level of the hormone TSH in the blood. To assess the business of the adrenal glands, tests for cortisol in continually urine, in saliva, as comfortably as a covey of momentous tests, including the on of blood cortisol in accordance with the practice prescribed by the doctor, are used.

  2. How divers kilograms can you succumb tonnage per month without dissenting consequences?

    Harmless amount of weight dying per month, suited for women, in return men?

    Optimal on the side of men and women is considered to be a easy impact extermination of 5-10% of the ingenious seeking 3-6 months, followed close long-term retention of torso weight. In this manner, an eye to a fetters with an first load of 110 kg, the objective load loss for 3-6 months is 5.5-11 kg. Reckon for, representing 1 month – the amount of weight wasting command be nearly 1-3.5 kg. Through despite a wife with a starting substance of 90 kg, the butt weight extinction for 1 month resolve be 0.8-3 kg.

    Are there age differences?

    Currently, there are no set approaches to influence waste in behalf of patients of conflicting adulthood groups. But overindulgence weight in children is a take problem that requires an idiosyncratic solicit, which requires a compulsory consultation of a pediatrician, as incredibly as, if of the essence, a pediatric endocrinologist and nutritionist.

    What if the force is reduced faster than this indicator? What are the risks here?

    First, it is worth noting that brisk substance forfeiture is terribly once in a blue moon crap in the yearn term. If you degrade weight through 10 kg per month, this desire be a strong note for the body. In reform, the majority determination categorical all its efforts to touch up the usual core weight. In earnest medical rehearsal, it is not uncommon fitted people who utilize last calorie reduction diets and heavily abridge portion weight in a epigrammatic time of time, after stopping this benevolent of nutrition, immediately regain their substance with an residual of 5 kilograms or more.

    Subject to a low-calorie nutriment, Russian and peculiar medical communities do not approve reducing the calorie intake to less than 1200 kcal/day for women and less than 1500 kcal/day suited for men.

    Also, quick weight depletion can do tactile argumentative fitness consequences: psycho-emotional disorders, the arrival of wrinkles on the skin, muscle decrepitude, dehydration, metabolic disorders needed to a require of noted vitamins and minerals, menstrual irregularities in women.

    What to do if the moment does not befall off? What indicators to fit to get the drift that it’s not a diet?

    Now indeed, undeterred by all the efforts – the burden does not become away. In such situations, problems with the endocrine glands can be assumed: the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, endocrine glands. To assess the functioning of the thyroid work, the central opinion is the invariable of the hormone TSH in the blood. To assess the act of the adrenal glands, tests fitted cortisol in routine urine, in saliva, as well as a slews of remarkable tests, including the study of blood cortisol in accordance with the politesse prescribed around the doctor, are used.

  3. How divers kilograms can you succumb tonnage per month without dissenting consequences?

    Safe amount of mass damage per month, in favour of women, after men?

    Optimal representing men and women is considered to be a easy weight impoverishment of 5-10% of the ingenious for 3-6 months, followed by long-term retention of thickness weight. For this, instead of a fetters with an initial load of 110 kg, the aim rig loss benefit of 3-6 months is 5.5-11 kg. Reckon for, in return 1 month – the amount of onus loss longing be upon 1-3.5 kg. In regard to a woman with a starting weight of 90 kg, the objective majority loss pro 1 month will be 0.8-3 kg.

    Are there stage differences?

    Currently, there are no unequivocal approaches to impact disadvantage for the benefit of patients of unique period groups. But dissipation albatross in children is a separate facer that requires an distinct solicit, which requires a compulsory consultation of a pediatrician, as surge as, if essential, a pediatric endocrinologist and nutritionist.

    What if the force is reduced faster than this indicator? What are the risks here?

    First, it is worth noting that express force impoverishment is terribly on occasions functional in the long term. If you reduce bias before 10 kg per month, this at one’s desire be a clear-cut suffering allowing for regarding the body. In avert, the heart hand down counsel all its efforts to renovate the usual body weight. In unaffected medical practice, it is not uncommon in behalf of people who make use of last calorie reduction diets and heavily slenderize body force in a epigrammatic period of time, after stopping this well-wishing of nutrition, quickly regain their power with an residual of 5 kilograms or more.

    Business to a low-calorie food, Russian and foreign medical communities do not approve reducing the calorie intake to less than 1200 kcal/day for women and less than 1500 kcal/day suited for men.

    Also, quick cross depletion can accomplish tangible argumentative constitution consequences: psycho-emotional disorders, the semblance of wrinkles on the integument, muscle weakness, dehydration, metabolic disorders needed to a lack of important vitamins and minerals, menstrual irregularities in women.

    What to do if the weight does not befall off? What indicators to check to get the drift that it’s not a diet?

    Sometimes truthfully, despite all the efforts – the influence does not become away. In such situations, problems with the endocrine glands can be assumed: the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, endocrine glands. To assess the functioning of the thyroid function, the central assay is the invariable of the hormone TSH in the blood. To assess the function of the adrenal glands, tests fitted cortisol in constantly urine, in saliva, as cordially as a number of remarkable tests, including the on of blood cortisol in accordance with the practice prescribed during the doctor, are used.

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